Final fantasy xv engine blade upgrade
Final fantasy xv engine blade upgrade

final fantasy xv engine blade upgrade final fantasy xv engine blade upgrade

Once you acquire the Sturdy Helixhorn, head back to Hammerhead and speak with Cid to complete the quest and upgrade your Engine Blade even more. Unfortunately, this is the only way to acquire the Sturdy Helixhorn, so if you want to complete the A Better Engine Blade III quest, you’ll need to put up with the hassle. Sadly, this isn’t a 100 percent guaranteed drop, so you may need to complete the hunt multiple times to pull it off. This will increase your chances of the item dropping. To get the Sturdy Helixhorn, you will need to attack the Duplicorn in the horn. You quest will task you with defeating 2 Duplicorns and 3 Spiracorns in Lower Wennath. With the hunt accepted, head to the location marked on your World Map. When you are ready, talk to the Tipster to pick up the hunt. The hunt, which is level 29, is a bit tough to pull off, so make sure you are a high enough level to survive the battle. You should notice a particular hunt called The Last Spiracorns. Head inside the nearby diner and speak with the Tipster there to learn about a few of the nearby hunts going on at the moment.

final fantasy xv engine blade upgrade

After you talk to Cid and receive the A Better Engine Blade III quest, head up to the Old Lestallum Outpost in Cleigne. Sturdy Helixhorns are much harder to find than the previous rare treasures needed to upgrade your Engine Blade. You should also learn how the new Open Combat system works, as well as what some of the best Ascension skills are. We already told you how to complete the first two pieces of this quest by showing you all the Rusted Bit locations in Final Fantasy 15, as well as all the Glass Gemstone locations.

Final fantasy xv engine blade upgrade